canadiary Toronto

Diary of Events and Happenings in Toronto, Ontario.

Lots of Light: Resparking the Light! Honouring Winter Solstice at Scarborough Museum

Saturday 23 December 2023 - Join Scarborough Museum and waⁿdat utrihǫt ~ Catherine Tammaro in celebrating the Winter Solstice through a communal event entitled Resparking the Light! Honouring Winter Solstice Facilitated by Wyandot multimedia artist Catherine Tammaro, (Spotted/Little Turtle Clan FaithKeeper; Wyandot of Anderdon Nation/Wendat Confederacy) with special guest Second Chief of the Huron - Wyandotts of Ontario, D'Arcy Kwęnǫdih Tammaro. - 1007 Brimley Rd, Toronto, ON M1P 3E8, Canada - Event Details