canadiary Toronto

Diary of Events and Happenings in Toronto, Ontario.

The Ultimate Golden Girls Experience: Thank You For Being A Friend

The Ultimate Golden Girls Experience: Thank You For Being A Friend Dates: September 11, 2016 Event Time(s): 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM Tues-Sat performances 7:30pm, Matinees Tue, Sat, Sun at 1:30pm. Phone: 1-888-324-6282 Website: Costs: $50 - $59 Cost Information: Orchestra seating from $59.99 - VIP Seating from $79.99 Thank You For Being a Friend is the ultimate Golden Girls experience, delivering all the classic dialogue, razor sharp gags and taboo-breaking stories you'd expect! As a wonderful introduction to the joy of the hit television series for first timers, it'll have the uninitiated rolling in the aisles, while die-hard fans fondly remember the brilliance of The Golden Girls! . Event Details. Location: 750 Spadina Ave, Toronto