canadiary Toronto

Diary of Events and Happenings in Toronto, Ontario.

Antony Gormley - Art as Survival

Antony Gormley DOMAIN FIELD, 2003 Art as Survival with Antony Gormley : Royal Ontario Museum Date: November 20, 2013 Event Time(s):7:00 PM to 8:30 PMWebsite: Email: Phone:416-586-5797 Costs: Range:$20 - $29 Adult: $28 Student: $20 Cost Information: Members $25 Each year, ROM Contemporary Culture chooses an idea, issue or theme to investigate, presenting a range of exhibitions and events that open the floor for conversation, ideas and understanding our changing world. Beginning its new season in May 2013, ROM Contemporary Culture will explore issues of environment and climate change. On the eve of the ROM's 100th anniversary, we ask ourselves about the relationship between nature and culture through the lens of climate change asking:How does the landscape change a culture? How does culture change the landscape?Location:Royal Ontario Museum 100 Queen's Park Bloor St and Queen's Park Map to this event Public Transit:TTC Trip Planner Downtown Arts/Exhibits, Environmental The City of Toronto does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the content provided in this calendar nor does inclusion in the calendar constitute endorsement by the City of Toronto. All listing details are submitted by event organizers. To confirm any information, please contact the organizers directly.. Event Details. Location: 100 Queen's Park