canadiary Toronto

Diary of Events and Happenings in Toronto, Ontario.

Doctors of the Dark Side

Doctors of the Dark Side - Toronto Premiere Presented by: Cinema Politica at the Bloor Date: January 8, 2013 Event Time(s):6:45 PM to 9:00 PMWebsite: Email: Costs: Free Cost Information: Suggested donation $2-$10 Doctors of the Dark Side exposes the scandal behind the torture scandal — how psychologists & physicians implemented and covered up the torture of detainees in US controlled military prisons. The stories of four detainees and the doctors involved in their abuse show how essential doctors have been to the torture program. Director Martha Davis (Interrogation Psychologists) spent 4 years investigating the controversy and produced the documentary with an award-winning team that includes Oscar-winners Mark Jonathan Harris (Writer) and Mercedes Ruehl (Narrator), and Emmy-winner Lisa Rinzler (Dir of Photography). Editor M. Trevino (Hidden Battles) led the post-production team of the feature length Location:The Bloor Hot Docs Cinema 506 Bloor Street West Bloor Street West and Bathurst Street Map to this event Public Transit:Closest Subway: Bathurst Station TTC Trip Planner Downtown Film. Event Details. Location: 506 Bloor Street West