ASX s 8th Annual Expanding Canada s Frontiers Symposium - Unraveling The Universe Presented by the Astronomy & Space Exploration Society ASX at the University of Toronto Date: January 28, 2011 Time: 07:00 AM The Astronomy and Space Exploration Society ASX at the University ofToronto is pleased to announce that our 8th annual symposium featuring these world-renowned speakers: Prof. Alexei V. Filippenko, University of California at Berkeley, Team Lead of KAIT at Lick Observatory Dr. Michel Lefebvre, University of Victoria, Deputy Team Leader of ATLAS detector at LHC Prof. Gilbert Holder, McGill University, Canada Research Chair in Cosmological Astrophysics Topics on phenomena relating all the way from quarks to quasars - from the latest particle physics research at the Large Hadron Collider LHC , galaxy clusters and gravitational lensing, to supernovae, darkenergy, and black holes. This is the largest astronomy symposium in Canada. ADMISSION: Students: FREE with ID and pre-registration : General Public: $15 early bird until Jan 6th, 5pm $20 regular price, and $25 at the door Purchase online: Purchase by phone: 416 978-8849 For more information contact: Phone: Please email Address: Convocation Hall, University of Toronto 31 King s College Circle Public transit directions: Queen's Park Station TTC Trip Planner email: Downtown Back Seminars/Workshops.
Event Details. Location:
31 King's College Circle @t mcgill university canada, particle physics research, canada research chair