Soulpepper Lab Series: Window on Toronto Presented by Soulpepper Theatre Company Starts: August 20, 2010 08:00 PM Ends: August 28, 2010 08:00 PM The artists of the Soulpepper Academy, under the leadership of master director L szl Marton, shine a theatrical light on our city as dozens of characters are illuminated through the window of a hot-dog vendor. Directed by L szl Marton Featuring Ins Choi, Tatjana Cornij, Raquel Duffy, Brendan Healy, Matthew Kabwe, Ken MacKenzie, Gregory Prest, Karen Rae, Jason Patrick Rothery, and Brendan Wall. For more information contact: Phone: 416-866-8666 Address: Young Centre for the Performing Arts 55 Mill Street, Building 49 Mill Street and Cherry Street Map to this event TTC: Take subway to Castle Frank station on the Bloor line. Connect to Bus 65A Parliament. Ride bus straight down Parliament. Exit at Front St. and walk one block south to Mill St. Take subway to King station. Transfer to eastbound 504 King Streetcar and take it to Parliament. Walk 2 blocks south on Parliament to Mill Street. email: Downtown Back Theatre.
Event Details. Location:
55 Mill Street @t ken mackenzie, hot dog vendor, karen rae