canadiary Toronto

Diary of Events and Happenings in Toronto, Ontario.

So The Story Goes

So The Story Goes presented by: Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts Starts: April 27, 2010 08:00 PM Ends: April 27, 2010 Cost: $10 $19 Presented by SweLL the re iteration of Taste This, notorious Vancouver based queer performance troupe that co authored Boys Like Her: Transfictions. With over a decade of artistic experience and numerous books, CDs, performance, video and radio works to their individual credit, Anna Camilleri, Ivan E. Coyote and Lyndell Montgomery initiated SweLL to create So The Story Goes, for which they are joined by visual artist Leslie Peters. Queer tales. True, except when they re not. This performance is part of the Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts. For more information contact: Phone: 416 599 9096 Address: Buddies in Bad Times Theatre 12 Alexander Street Yonge & Alexander Street Map to this event TTC: Wellesley or College subway station. Downtown , Arts/Exhibits, Live performances, Theatre Back. Event Details. Location: 12 Alexander Street

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